Theophilus and Maria Charles started planting churches in Pakistan before. While their family was on the run from the Taliban with the local believer, they established 300 churches with over 60,000 members in just fourteen years. GVM began distributing Bibles and MP3 players to these churches and organized leadership and evangelism training seminars.
In August 2016, the Charles family enrolled at Oral Roberts University, and through the Global Learning Center, ORU partnered with GVM to establish a seminary in Karachi, Pakistan, in September 2017. Despite still being wanted by the Taliban, he traveled back to Pakistan in July to set up the facility and leadership. An additional 25 seminaries were working, available to any believer but tied closely to the New Revival Fellowship (NRF).
GVM has trained over 1,000 NRF local-church leaders through “iStrengthen Together Leadership Seminars” it has sponsored. Training benefits congregations by developing leaders’ skills and deepening their biblical and doctrinal knowledge. GVM empowers leaders to nourish congregations and influence communities throughout Pakistan.
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