God's Vision Ministries, Inc


“Making disciples of Christ in the world.”


41 million, 145 million impression, 7.2 million downloads


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Becomes a


At God’s Vision Ministries, we are dedicated to spreading the Word of God and empowering Christians throughout Pakistan. Our mission is to provide access to the Bible and educational resources that nurture spiritual growth and strengthen faith.

Our Vision

We envision a world where every Christian has access to the Holy Scriptures, fostering a deeper understanding of God’s love and teachings. Our commitment to education aims to uplift communities by providing knowledge that illuminates the path to a fulfilling spiritual life.


How we started

 GVM recorded the Audio Urdu Bible professionally and has given it for free access to the nearly 0.7 billion Urdu speakers worldwide. Through partners such as the American Bible Society and the YouVersion, listeners have freely heard parts or downloaded the whole audio Bible almost 200 million times.

As a Christian organization promoting human flourishing, especially among the marginalized, you should expect we would promote the Bible and help everyone hear or read it.
Of course, we promote its spiritual message, the gospel of Jesus Christ; and we promote its social and civic message, liberation, and flourishing of human beings everywhere. These two messages are one, but we welcome those who agree only with the social and civic message as allies.


The Bible has promoted human flourishing throughout history. Indian philosopher and historian Vishal Mangalwadi agree even with the fiercest critic of Christianity, Friedrich Nietzsche, that the Bible “has been the greatest humanizing force in history,” fueling the abolishing of slavery; caring for poor widows, orphans, the handicapped, the leprous; rehabilitating temple prostitutes, reforming prisons, even limiting wars to Just War. He concludes, “The biblical tradition has been the most powerful civilizing force” (The Book That Made Your World, p. 300. Thomas Nelson, 2011).


Such flourishing is the aim of the Bible’s Book of Exodus. Exodus traces the liberation of Hebrew enslaved people from Egypt into a divinely governed republic and remains the world’s master story of liberation and of critique of the abuse of power. It, along with the other four books that make up the Torah, set out the “ordered liberty” these formerly enslaved people enjoyed by obeying God’s covenant with them. The enduring influence of this master story, even on early-modern Europe and the American Founding, is more appreciated today, thanks to historians Eric Nelson and Michael Walzer and scholars Robert R. Reilly, the recently-deceased Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, and Os Guinness. Guinness applies the Exodus master story globally today in The Magna Carta of Humanity: Sinai’s Revolutionary Faith and the Future of Freedom (IVP, 2021).


Distributing the Bible and encouraging people to hear it combats terrorism, religious and non-religious. The Bible aims at the human heart and promises God’s power to enable people to overcome apathy and hate with love. If individuals and cultures can embrace the superiority of love – always seeking the best for the other — in all human interactions, God will enable such love to flourish and produce greater peace, cooperation, and prosperity. But the Bible puts the bar high: Instead of loving only my neighbor and hating my enemies, our Lord Jesus insists, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:43 ESV). One key test of any religion, way of life, and government is how it treats those who disagree with it or even oppose it. The Bible’s love command shows the best way forward for human flourishing.


We believe using the Bible to combat the growing terrorism worldwide is essential. It has the power to change individuals’ minds from a broken and violent ideology into certainty that seeking to benefit others, regardless of their religion or social standing, is far better. “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul and spirit, joints, and marrow, as it judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). We know many – individuals and communities — lack knowledge about the truth of God. Even many Christians do not know how to defend and protect their faith. “My people are destroyed because they lack knowledge of me…” (Hosea 4:6). GVM is committed to this life-transforming education and will not be swayed by any opposition.
Join us in spreading the truth! “And you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32).

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AgapeNow TV
The Urdu Audio Bible

Theophilus Charles

Theophilus possesses an exceptional gift for evangelism, discipleship, and establishing many churches. He has successfully founded ten churches in both Pakistan and the United States. Additionally, Theophilus also provides administrative support for the American Bible Society and fellow alums of Oral Roberts University.

Maria Charles

Maria is a co-founder of GVM. Maria's exceptional prayerful and intercessory skills make her a valuable prayer warrior for the ministry. She provides invaluable help to her husband in all aspects of the church, especially while he is recovering from his medical conditions. She uses her spiritual gifts to support the ministry's mission.

Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience.